Lyranthium Wiki

This majestic creature combines features of eagles and lions--and the predatory nature of both.


A griffon is a distinctive combination of eagle and lion, with the head, foreclaws, and wings of a great bird of prey and the hindquarters of a lion. The foreparts are covered in feathers, and there is a "fan" of similarly colored feathers on the tail, to aid with steering. The hindquarters are covered in short, sleek fur, often corrdinating with the coloration of the feathers. In addition, griffons have mobile eartufts resembling the ears of a cat.



Griffons live in hilly areas, preferring to make their roosts on high bluffs from which they can survey their territory. They may be found either in small prides or alone, and will claim a sizeable hunting territory for themselves, which they will defend against any intruders.

Griffons prefer to hunt from the air, swooping down on potential prey from above and stunning it long enough to carry off; only seldom will they engage a potential meal on the ground. When defending their territory against a rival griffon, they will open with a challenging screech and attack with claws and beak, trying to cripple the intruder and drive them off.
